[h] About me: Descubre cómo puedo aportar valor a tu proyecto y conversemos sobre las soluciones que requieres


I live to serve

My name is Fernando Caicedo Albarello and my purpose is to transform lives and for my clients to achieve success, living in prosperity.

Since I was very little I have been an explorer of knowledge and a seeker of wisdom... I am a creator and leader by nature. From a very young age I have founded and led social movements, digital ventures and cultural organizations. The great constant of these efforts has been human transformation.

I trained as Systems Engineer, Cultural Manager, Visual Artist and Multimedia Designer, all of this before I was 25 years old. I love entrepreneurship and I have had various businesses and several companies (one in the publishing sector, one in the digital industry and a couple in the areas of complementary therapy); also various projects with a cultural and artistic focus.

During my professional and business performance I decided to transform myself comprehensively and enhance my intuitive faculties: clairthinking, clairsensation, bioenergetic healing and channeling. I began a systematic investigation of various personal and spiritual development techniques, which I now call Being and Consciousness Engineering.

I have dedicated more than 10 years to transdisciplinary research with a holistic approach. I serve as Spiritual Transformation Coach and entrepreneurship consultant from and towards personal purpose.

I am currently a practitioner and facilitator of techniques for personal transformation. I provide genuine experiences to people and organizations, combining: Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine, Sacred Codes, QiGong, Transpersonal Numerology, Reflexology, Emotional Biodecoding, Heliotherapy, Angelic Therapy and Zero Point in Gamma State. I continue to learn and deepen, seeking excellence, so I am training in NLP, Family Constellations and Theta Healing.